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Las Gringas

 Barneklær i lekker alpakka.



Las Gringas: a new brand of socially conscious fashion started by two friends driven by the will to create a style that fosters human rights, the rights of women and families.
Las Gringas works in Bolivia, with groups of women from the town of El Alto. Our sales insure a regular income to their families. Another project is our work with a group of women from the prison of La Paz. This project allows these women to be trained in knitting and thus gives them more chances to be hired in that field when they are released.
Las Gringas follows these 5 fundamental principles:
Las Gringas acquires its raw material mostly in Bolivia in order to support an extremely weak national textile industry. This contributes to the development of a country with extraordinary potential.
Las Gringas ensures a fair and dignified salary.
Las Gringas wants its collections to emphasize the traditional and valuable skills of native people and small-scale artisans.
Las Gringas chooses to work with small units of seamstresses, instead of big factory for its clothes manufacture. This strengthens the autonomy of women's group coming from lower classes, and contributes to balance the economic powers.
Wearing Las Gringas means playing an active role in fair trade, thereby having a direct impact on the lives of many people in Bolivia.

We identify ourselves in the FINE* definition written in 2001:

« Fair Trade is a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers –  especially in the South.  Fair Trade organizations (backed by consumers) are engaged actively in
supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade. »

* FINE: informal forum which brings together the four major international organizations of EC (FLO WFTO, NEWS, EFTA).


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